Cristallino toast with scrambled eggs, spinach and ham


Cristallino crystal loaf (Ref 64965)

6 eggs

1 handful of spinach

Extra-virgin olive oil

3 garlic cloves

200 g. Serrano ham in cubes

Salt and pepper


Clean the spinach well, removing the tough bits, and boil it in salted water for five minutes. Next, drain and chop it.

Pour three spoonfuls of olive oil into a frying pan and, when it is hot, fry the finely diced garlic cloves. When they are golden brown, and before they start to burn, add the spinach and sauté everything for 10 minutes.

Then add the ham to the pan and crack the eggs over the spinach. Stir with a wooden spoon so that the eggs integrate with the spinach and set, and season to taste with salt and pepper.

Finally, place the scrambled eggs on the slices of toasted crystalline bread and serve.
To round out your brunch, accompany this exquisite toast with orange juice and halved cherry tomatoes with diced cucumber and diced feta cheese, seasoned with oregano and extra-virgin olive oil.